Level 0 – Not Performed: Tests? We don’t need no stinkin’ tests!
Level 1 – Performed Informally: Test-after development (TAD). Sporadic coverage, individual-level process adherence.
Level 2 – TDD:
TDD Level 0: Chaotic. Some developers do TDD. Others don’t care if the tests break.
TDD Level A: Performed Informally. The team agrees that unit tests must pass in the build. Developers pick and choose what should be test-driven.
TDD Level B: Performed Consistently. All team members build unit tests. Some unit tests are not focused enough (tendency toward integration tests). Tests do not “document” very well. Sporadic production code refactoring enabled as a benefit of having tests.
TDD Level C: Breakthrough. Team members use each TDD cycle to refactor production code and tests, but constrain to single classes (test+target). Most tests clearly document class capabilities.
TDD Level D: Optimizing. Standards around test organization, naming, and structure are evident from the code. BDD in heavy use. Team actively looks for reuse across tests, and continually refactors “mother” and other test utility classes.
This is a work in progress! Please help me iteratively and incrementally improve it.
Steve Campbell April 1, 2009 at 11:57am
Level 3 – BDD
Level 0 – TDD being called BDD
Level A – Ubiquitous naming
Level B – Single line tests, test refactoring
Level C – Testing DSL