A Note on the Old Blog

by Jeff Langr

February 24, 2011

I converted to WordPress some time last year, since Blogger killed my ability to edit there and post on my personal site. In the meantime, I have two annoyances: One, the spammers to this blog are unrelenting. You don’t see any of the spam comments, but I get an email for each one (it could be a real comment) and have to whack about 25 spam messages a week.

Two, while it looks like it’s possible to add comments to my old blog entries, they really just disappear into a bit bucket somewhere. I might dig around and fix the page so it no longer supports typing in the comments, but in the meantime I’ve had two comments that I wanted to respond to, and have felt guilty because I can’t do so easily.

Perhaps my responses will end up as blog entries.


Aviv Ben-Yosef February 24, 2011 at 12:56 pm

Have you installed the WordPress Akismet plugin? It’s really good at automatically spotting the spam comments and trashing them, without you having to look at them (already blocked thousands of spam comments on my site).

Jeff Langr February 24, 2011 at 1:09 pm

Thanks Aviv! I thought I’d already had a spam plugin here. Maybe not–will check.

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Jeff Langr

About the Author

Jeff Langr has been building software for over 40 years and writing about it heavily for about 25. You can find out more about Jeff, learn from the many helpful articles and books he's written, or read one of his near-1500 combined blog, Agile in a Flash, and public posts.