Not Giving Up on vi(m)

by Jeff Langr

September 29, 2011

I wrote this blog as a reaction to reading James McKay’s blog entry, “:q!,” in which he describes abandoning vim. A story familiar to me, but I fortunately never abandoned it for good. I do have to agree that Intellisense and other wonders of modern IDEs make them the preferred environment for things like Java, but I still get a lot of use out of vim.

In the past, I’d be forced to use vim while, say, having to do a small amount of my work on Solaris servers, but then I’d be back on Windows shortly thereafter. I loaded RedHat at home many years ago but it didn’t stick. Then I tried Ubuntu… a couple times, and Un*x finally stuck. Yet I was still only occasionally using vim, which meant I was a perpetual newb, at a “level 1” of vim capability (I’ll sadly call the scale the VCM, or vim capability model).

VCM level 1 is the ability to get in and out of the tool and do basic editing (search, page forward, change/replace text, occasional use of the dot operator, etc.). I remember that I too thought the only way to delete many lines was via count-based commands (e.g., 10d). At VCM level 1, vim beeps at you a lot, and you don’t understand why people swear by it.

What changed things was a result of being forced into having to hit vim on a daily basis for an extended period of time. I had the opportunity to work with Tim Ottinger a bit, and we would pair from time to time. Tim is the author of a great article on vim, “Use vim Like a Pro.” I won’t mention pairing after this paragraph, but I will say that without the ability to pair with someone at a higher VCM level, I might never have advanced much from my level 1 proficiency.

I’m making up the VCM based on my history, of course, but it might just work for others, too. VCM level 2 is marked by use of these critical elements of vim:

  • regular use of the dot operator

  • use of hjkl for cursor movement

  • ability to manage buffers, registers, and split windows

  • ability to visually mark code

  • regular use of f and t in combination with other commands; use of other context-based movement commands

  • use of ctrl-n for auto completion

  • awareness and occasional use of macros

  • occasional use of help facility to learn something new

  • regular (no pun intended) use of regex

  • use of ctags to aid code navigation

Reaching level 2 was important: At level 1, I simply thought vim was a frustrating, not-very-powerful tool. At level 2, I am fairly effective when editing, and faster at many tasks than most people in their GUI editors. I also see that there is much more to learn and master.

Tim is probably at VCM level 4: mastery of most, if not all, of vim’s features. I suppose that marks Level 3 as when you have ingrained all the major facilities (i.e. most everything that Tim covers in Use vim Like a Pro), are trying to ingrain something new on a regular basis (I’ve now habituated the use of ~ to toggle case, for example), have considerably customized your .vimrc, and are making an active attempt to do everything in the most efficient way possible. I am getting into level 3 now, but I haven’t used vim heavily in a while.

During my fortunate opportunities to learn vim from Tim, I discovered there were a few things about vim that he didn’t know. Shocker! It’s an extensive tool, but I guess what that means is that there’s a VCM level 5. Let’s define that as mastering VCM Level 4 plus everything that Tim doesn’t know now.

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Jeff Langr

About the Author

Jeff Langr has been building software for over 40 years and writing about it heavily for about 25. You can find out more about Jeff, learn from the many helpful articles and books he's written, or read one of his near-1500 combined blog, Agile in a Flash, and public posts.