Langr Software Solution Colorado Springs, Colorado training courses services

Training courses

Training …

Invest in your team members by securing heavily-hands-on training to bring their skills up-to-date.

  • Effectively generate working code using AI-Assisted Development with Verification (AADV).

  • Ensure high code quality via Test Driven Development (TDD) and continuous design / refactoring.

  • Sustain and decrease the cost of maintaining legacy systems via legacy code rescue.

  • Develop, improve, and strengthen your development process to create ways of working right for your company, your teams, and your people.

  • Get everyone on the same page through Behavior Driven Development (BDD).

… to help your devs learn skills and practices

Your developers are capable of figuring out the nuts and bolts of programming by meandering about the web. But for deeper topics around how to deliver high-quality systems, articles don’t cut it. You’ll want them to learn from experts—people who know what it takes and where the pitfalls lie, because they’ve been there/done that for a long time.

You want your developers to avoid the many traps when it comes to applying these disciplines. Our courses will steer your team toward safety and success.

Our courses are anything but “by-the-book” rehashes of readily-available material. They’re intense but engaging and enjoyable hands-on experiences. Students will master the fundamentals, understand the payoffs and tradeoffs, and leave with the confidence to start applying what they’ve learned when they return to their desk.

Before embarking on training, we’ll chat with you and your teams to find out the right pacing and mix of material for your classroom experience.

Your students will be enthralled. Many students tell us that this is the best training they’ve ever attended. We’re proud of how satisfied we’ve made our students. Some sample testimonials:

I liked the balance of instructor led vs. hands on exercises. All of the segments were also a good length. Jeff explains things very well and is very knowledgable. Great teacher.


Course was excellent. Very interactive, great instructor. [How might we improve the course?] You can’t, it was fantastic.

Aaron G.

Eye-opening course …


Training is one piece of a strategy for increasing the capabilities of your teams. Your best return on investment for training includes a follow-up plan to support the training with coaching, learning resources, and various sustainment techniques. We can provide the guidance you’ll want to make sure training pays off; we can also help you put together a road-map that leads to a profit from your investment.

We can deliver our hands-on engaging classes at your site, offsite, or remotely to you.

Effective remote training

All programming courses can be delivered remotely. Each student needs a good internet connection, web browser, and development environment (for programming courses); we manage the rest.

Students must be able to freely load additional utility software onto their machines.

Personal on-site training

Your team can attend a course on-site or at a location of your choosing. Live classes require a room with comfortable seating, an LCD projector, and at least one whiteboard with markers.

For hands-on courses requiring the use of computers, students work in pairs or mobs in order to increase class participation and retention, as well as to keep classes running smoothly. The default configuration is pairs, which requires at least half as many development machines as students (for example, 13 students requires 7 computers).

Students must be able to freely load software onto development machines, and must have full access privileges to create, delete, modify, and execute files. Students must be able to access the internet in order to download and install software.

We’ll supply installation/configuration instructions for any necessary software at least 3 business days prior to the start of the class. Machines must be preloaded with software required for the specific course. Students must use developer-class machines that are not memory or drive constrained.

Programming languages

Programming classes are available in JavaScript, Java, TypeScript, Clojure, C#, C++, and Ruby. We can also deliver training in other languages (e.g. Python, Kotlin, and Scala) given appropriate lead time—we’ve delivered a number of custom, one-off sessions in other languages.

While TDD, continuous design / refactoring, BDD, and legacy code rescue concepts and principles are generally universal, specific techniques and patterns can vary from one programming language to the next. Each class is taught in one programming language to allow maximum focus on these language-specific elements.

Finding what your team needs

Use a different language? Not seeing training on the topic you need?

If it’s a software design or programming related skill, give us a call. We’ve developed numerous custom courses tailored toward our customers’ needs. Chances are good we’ll not only get your team members trained, but we’ll help them learn the nuggets of wisdom they need to thrive. Please contact us for additional information.

Langr Software Solutions services